Thursday, March 20, 2014

Journal Blog #5: What happens next?

By this time, you have drafted an introduction to a narrowed thesis statement. We have looked at many readings with many methods of organizing an essay.

We have considered how different writers organize their ideas of an essay, either by time, by importance of ideas, or by themes...  Think carefully about your work. What is the best way to outline and take your reader through your thoughts in a way that is interesting, useful, and easy to understand.

What happens next? After your clear thesis statement, outline 3-4 key ideas that you will use for your body paragraphs. Share this outline in  your journal blog 5. Remember to include your ID# in your post.

Aj. M


  1. #5680646
    My essay is about the culinary art of Thai Cuisine . The uniqueness of taste, ingredients, and techniques are the key ideas that this essay will be focusing on. Significant of each ideas will be explain in each particular paragraphs.

    1. Remember that you're focusing on the "art of Thai cuisine." This needs to show something artistic or artful, either about the preparation or the presentation of Thai food. This essay should not be about how to make Thai food... right?

  2. #5680687

    My essay is similar to criminology, where I have already explained and given an example for the reader to follow through the steps easily. Next 3 or 4 paragraphs will be about the effects and consequences that were caused to the people from media. In each paragraph, i will be using different type of media, such as, games, movies and tv series. I will also give real life examples for each of different types of media.

    1. I think games and movies can work. I wonder if TV series is much different from movies... maybe consider another type of media instead of TV... maybe something like "new media," for example.

  3. #5680636 Oak

    How can Apple flight for the losing market shared situation?
    - Change some ideas of product (more focus customers)
    - Maintain the premium brand image
    - Don’t launch the lower price product
    - Do more marketing in the third world countries
    Each topic will be enlarged more specific in order to answer the question that why Apple losing its market share and how Apple can recapture it.

    1. This looks ok. And don't forget that the need for this is due to its specific competition with Samsung. This essay will be good if it can show how these strategies will give it a particular advantage over Samsung.

  4. #5680724

    Related to the art theme, I decided to write an essay about the symbol of Thailand's flag. This topic really caught my attention because art related to everything in people's lives even the flags. How do people really decide to put which symbol to their flag? Therefore, in my essay, I will narrow it down to the reasons why the Thailand's flag had changed to many symbols and colors and how they change according to the historical events such as wars. Also, I will give a brief background and definitions of the symbols of the flag.

    1. Ok... try to organize these ideas. Why not something like this:
      1) historical background (wars/kings/events), 2) colour 1 3) colour 2 4) colour 3... something like that? What do you think?

  5. #5680722
    My essay is going to be about the reason why women are so obsessed with their appearance. I will focus on the influence from mass media, relationship in societies, and career.
    A. Mass media
    - internet (example)
    - tv shows, filmes
    - magazine
    - advertising
    B. Relation in socialites
    - peer
    - boyfriend/girlfriend
    C. Career
    - Student (example)
    - Works (how much money do they made)

    1. This looks good. Just make sure not to lose focus of women. These pressures you mention are especially on women, so don't lose this point.

  6. #5680708
    My essay is about what business (media industry) destroy the Thai performing art. My body paragraph will focus on new entertainment choices, adaptation of performing art, No inheritance of performing art.
    -media industry provides more entertainment choices for the audiences. (Televisions, Theaters)
    -It destroys the uniqueness of performing art (Force traditional art to adapt other culture art for the survival and get attention from the audiences)
    -New generation do not want to watch or inherit performing art (People familiar with modern media and rely on new type of entertainment)

    1. Idea 1 and 2 look good to me. Idea 3 looks very similar to Idea 1, which may be repetitive. What do you think?

  7. 5680700

    Thesis : Censorship in Thailand must be re-evaluated in all aspects for the benefits of children and teenagers including, violence, sexuality, and language.
    1. The Thai government should censor more about violent in news.
    - Violent pictures or videos in news shock people.
    - Children afraid of reading newspapers or watching news channels.
    2. Sexuality that is shown in art like movies should be rated for people aged 20 and over without censorship, but the government should still censor sexuality in TV shows that any one can watch.
    - (example) When people buy movie tickets and see blurred picture of sexuality, they don't enjoy the movies as much as they should do.
    - However, showing sexuality is not appropriate for children.
    3. Language should not be censored, but instead it should be cut from movies or TV shows entirely.
    - Rude word can negatively affect children. (they may be aggressive.)
    - Children will be more curios if the government just censor it.

  8. This is good work. Make sure that you are always thinking about the effects to children particularly (and not to society in general). If you do this, it will be a well-organized essay.

  9. This journal blog is now closed. Thank you for your participation. Aj. M
